There are currently more than 350 Miracle League fields across the country serving over 450,000 children!
Our plan is to build one at Faulkner Park for the children in the communities of Smith County to be able to fulfill their dream to play ball! We have the plans and are raising the funds!
Thank you to our generous community partners:
The City of Tyler, Smith County, CHRISTUS Health, Riter Family Foundation, the Fair Foundation, Ben and Maytee Fisch Foundation, Southside Bank, Jasper Ventures, Grace Community Church, A. S. Genecov, South Springs Baptist Church, Green Acres Baptist Church, Brookshires Grocery Company, Genesis Corporation, Flint Baptist Church, Byers Foundation, and Texas Bank and Trust
and our In Kind partners:
Harris Craig Architects, Aqueous Engineering, Summit Engineering, Potter Minton, and Neptune Navigate
Please join us to raise the funds
necessary to bring this dream to life!!!